Trustworthy–Guest Speaker Jenn Strobl

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Because we tend to compartmentalize our lives, Sunday worship does little to form our lives in the coming week. So can I ask, “Are you pursuing God’s trustworthiness?” It’s easy to fall into the mold of putting everything on ourselves. “I’ve got to take care of this. I”ve got to make it happen.” And while initiative and hard work are commendable, even desirable, this perspective can easily eliminate the presence, power and love of our heavenly Father. God’s desire is to give “good gifts” to his children. The metaphor is both beautiful and hard. How do I lean into trusting God? What does that look like while I’m planning and acting in response to life? Perhaps we can start by resting in God’s presence. And in these intentional quiet moments acknowledge God’s presence, goodness and trustworthiness. Give thanks for these realities and invite God into your circumstances, planning and implementing. Ask the Holy Spirit to walk with and guide you so that, “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” We can begin this practice and value it because God is trustworthy.